
So You Want to be an IHS Volunteer?

The community is what keeps the shelter up and running and contributes in numerous ways through welcome donations of supplies and food or even temporary shelter through our Foster Care Program. The most recognizable form of donation is time and comes in the form of the incomparable IHS Volunteer. These incredible individuals do the work that largely goes unseen by the general public. The shelter has no paid staff yet runs 4 shifts a day 7 days a week. These shifts are managed by individuals who work 9 to 5 jobs and devote their free time and energy towards helping Iqaluit's less fortunate citizens.
Being an IHS Volunteer is hard work. We won't even try to sugar coat that fact. It takes a boundless level of commitment and is largely a thankless duty. Your only rewards are the satisfaction of knowing you are doing something good for little animals that can't fend for themselves and receiving the respect and admiration of your fellow volunteer peers. A handful of volunteers can only do so much but if we can get more caring individuals to dedicate some of their time and cooperation the possibilities are endless.
There are generally 720 hrs in a month. Setting aside 5 or even 10 hours per month is not much to ask for. We schedule according to whatever you can devote. It costs nothing but your time to volunteer. Simply contact us at volunteers@iqaluithumanesociety.com or come by the shelter during a shift and express your interest. You must be at least 13 years old in order to volunteer.